pf2e fire shield. You become trained in kineticist class DC and impulse attack rolls. pf2e fire shield

 You become trained in kineticist class DC and impulse attack rollspf2e fire shield  You splash a glob of acid that splatters your target and nearby creatures

Whenever a shield takes damage, the amount of damage it takes is reduced by this amount. Shield H: A shield of magical force blocks attacks and magic missiles. If you succeed you recovery but then take persistent damage and go to dying 2 because after you recovered you became wounded one. Every item has a Hardness value. Four fundamental runes produce the most essential magic of protection and destruction: armor potency and resilient runes for armor, and weapon potency and striking runes for weapons. Archives of Nethys Armor | Artifacts | Cursed Items | Intelligent Items | Potions/Oils | Rings | Rods | Staves | Weapons | Wondrous Items | OtherThe above shield is a level 5 shield, but there are much stronger shields at higher levels, including the Indestructible Shield. Spined Shield. Glass Shield H: Protect yourself with a glass shield. I guess this is more of a rules question about the Harnessed trait. There's an action called "Take Cover" that handles it rather well, I think. 637 4. Buy original Heat Shield parts and accessories from Ford Parts Center. Distance. The Sturdy shield is made of steel. Most magic weapons and armor gain their enhancements from potent eldritch runes etched into them. This is a reaction. Though it would. So if it was anything like reality, the rule would require an action. You only need to use your silver bullets against targets for which it matters, and can swap to other ammunition against other monsters. Just give it the same stats as an equivalent regular shield. Player Builds. 0 Foundry v10. Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk 1. Page 21: The Tangible Dream conscious mind gains figment instead of dancing lights as one of its standard psi cantrips. Heightened (3rd) The shield has Hardness 4 and 8. 4) It is stated that a bash is not a weapon ( guess nobody had doubts about though ) These are facts. Exacting Strike should also be 2-3* for archers. Arcane bond items also restore to full hp whenever a wizard prepares their spells. The persistent fire damage on a critical hit increases by 1d4. While still recovering from that ailment, he was diagnosed with cancer. One thing I've always wanted in a TTRPG but never satisfactorily got until PF2e was the ability to make a build that effectively uses a shield as a weapon. 5. A shield of elemental energy protects a creature against one type of energy damage. 446 4. 0. This is a reaction. A strike against you deals 5 Slashing, 5 Fire, and 5 Negative damage. - An entire page of talismans specially made for shield use!In rule elements, it's the part of the code that defines what the effect is applied to. Elemental Counter U: Use a countering element to protect against a spell. Protect Companion H: Shield your eidolon or minion from harm. Now, just to be clear, unless you have the feat to gain the shield reaction, you won’t be intercepting any attacks, but the AC boost could be crucial. Arcane eidolons are usually formed of mental essence, also known as astral essence. It’s a basic action! +1 or +2 AC. - 2 exciting new Archetypes focused around shield use: the mobile, shield-throwing Shield Maven and the magically-infused Mirror Warrior. Anyone can worship a deity, but those who do so devoutly should take care to pursue the faith’s edicts (behaviors the faith encourages) and avoid its anathemas (actions considered blasphemous). 1. Cover is relative and gm discretion is the baseline but a line through the center of each creatures squares can determine if there is cover if in question. • 9 mo. Also, we get Shield Block which prepares us for the next level. But you also add the character level as well. Source Core Rulebook pg. Blessed with divine magic, you live the ideals of your faith, adorn yourself with the symbols of your church, and train diligently to wield your deity’s favored weapon. At bare minimum, when a staff is prepared, it generates some charges for free. Thin and wispy flames wreathe your body for the duration, shedding bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet. Spellguard Shield - is a Steel Shield that contributes it's +2 bonus to spell saves but has lower stats for absorbing damage (Hardness 6, HP 24, BT 12) If you plan to use for AC, then your choice is more flexible. PZO1129: Vermin Shape II: As vermin shape I, but Tiny or Large. You can also buy and attach a shield boss or shield spikes to a shield to make it a more practical weapon. Buy a Sturdy Shield when you can. This +2 heavy steel shield has a distinct curve to its shape and often bears the device of a valiant knight. ; Price 5,580 gp. Jenos • 8 mo. If you hit, you deal 1d6 acid damage plus 1 splash acid damage. If an unattended item with hardness 15 was hit for 10 piercing+10 fire damage, it would take 5 damage. 0. Hammer Gun. Good to have some free Inventor guide stuff out there for PF2e, SuperBidi. Cover applies only if your path to the target is partially blocked. Sturdy shield has tons of different levels, and they take the place of shield runes; the expert light wooden variant gives 6 hardness and expert light steel variant gives 8 hardness. Version 1. say your shield has 10 Hardness. Class Feat: Headshot Skill Feat: Foil Senses Level 15The Repair activity says, in part -. Yes. Plus persistent 1d10 fire, 4d6 acid each. "The shield remains animated for 1 minute, during which time you can Strike with it each time you Raise the Shield, as well as with a Strike action. Shield Block (general feat) is also a relatively good pick-up. DESCRIPTION. -Druid: Armor + Shield Block + 8 h. Puff of Poison H: Exhale toxins to poison a foe. If you want to shoot out from around a corner, that's fine. Sturdy shield is still ubiquitous if you plan to shield block. power-attack is the condition toggled by the first element, and the predicate for the damage dice to be applied includes that power-attack is toggled on as a condition to be applied. Theoretically, all of the new shields can use special materials, but there are no rules available for this. the domain spells are hit or miss, some are game changing. Raising a shield gives you +2 Circumstance. A staff is tied to one person during a preparation process, after which the preparer, and only the preparer, can harness the staff to cast a variety of spells throughout the day. 2. In addition, there are Composite Impulses which combine two elements and require that you take multiple elements via Kinetic Gate and/or Gate. But — I would think shields being dropped makes sense. For characters that use alchemy, build snares, or in a party of folks that use Shield Block regularly, Crafting is an important skill. firstly, welcome, its a far sounder game mechanically (though there are issues). At 4, with aggressive block, raising a shield could be worthwhile. The shield has Hardness 8, HP 64, and BT 32. Aura faint abjuration; CL 5th; Weight 15 lbs. You lob bombs at your foes, harry your enemies, and support the rest of your party with potent elixirs. 583 4. RAW it's at best ambiguous, and RAI it feels like they explicitly do not want Thaumaturge characters to use shields and retain implement's empowerment since that effectively upgrades the average damage by two die sizes. A shield can’t have runes added to it. 580 4. Once per fight you can add Xd12 damage to one shot per fight. Stephens was hospitalized for nearly a week. The Victoria Fire Department (VFD) provides exceptional fire, rescue and emergency services, in addition to fire prevention education to British Columbia’s Capital City. You gain resistance 5 to acid, cold, electricity, or fire. This action grants the shield’s bonus to AC as a circumstance bonus until their next turn starts. Doubling the HP (BT) of most shields, specially non-magical, would go a long way to make things better. I don't think I've ever seen anyone need more than two shields. Deadly d10: greater striking rune major striking rune rapier greater striking rune. Replace the associated text with the following. Depends what you want to stress. An item can have only one fundamental rune of each. 478. Saving Throw basic Reflex. A bonded wizard adds 1 hp/level to their bonded item, which can be our heavy shield because it counts as a weapon. That would be consistent with the idea that the shield can't block the fire damage from the Produce Flame spell either even though it also makes an attack roll against your AC. (Shield Block Feat) REACTION – Physically block an incoming attack and that is where the damage reduction events occur based on shield’s. Theoretically, all of the new shields can use special materials, but there are no rules available for this. If it has both resistances, bludgeoning resistance decreases the bludgeoning damage, and the fire resistance decreases the fire damage, which may mean the total resistance isn't used. Ok_Principle_2214 • 3 mo. "Wrong understanding of Druid tradition. This flurry deals four dice of damage to. If you have the Shield block feat you can block an amount of damage equal to the hardness of the shield. Acquire the formula for the item. I assumed that it is interpreted as half damage when there is no number; is there any way to put. Shield Block's trigger is "While you have your shield raised, you would take damage from a physical attack. If you have a base attack bonus of +1 or higher, you can ready or drop a shield as a free action combined with a regular move. The shield bash is an option only for shields that weren’t designed to be used as weapons. 592 4. Ray of Frost H: Damage a creature with. 0 When you use a Strike action or make a spell attack, you attempt a check called an attack roll. Your choice of element (s) determines which impulses you can access. 8. You must also be at or above the level of the item. This means you can do things with your free hand while holding the bow without changing your grip, but the other hand must be free when you shoot. The 60-foot cone is great, but still not as easy to use as Fireball, not to mention Fireball’s 500-foot range. Both nullify Magic Missiles. (Raise Shield) ACTION – Bonus to AC until your next turn only. armorer can make three shields from one shell. That is roughly the equivalent of half a level's worth of hp "healed" on every attack it is used against. Protect Companion H: Shield your eidolon or minion from harm. The Forge Shield is a level 10 item that does 2d6 fire damage as a free action when you use it to block. Note that shields resist. Your character must be wielding a shield in one hand to make use of it, and it grants its bonus to AC only if they use an action to Raise a Shield. Smokestick are easy access. Looking into Pathfinder 2e (which is, for the most part, a train wreck). Campaign Effects. So I Activate the Smokestick (for the sake of the example the smoke generated is adjacent to an enemy) I move in melee range of the enemy. PLS NOTE: to use shield BLOCK (reaction) you need to have used the Raise Shield action during your previous. Reactions happen when a certain trigger occurs. edit: Another interpretation is that the shield takes the remaining damage and I don't. - Rules for combining precious materials with magical shields! - New adjustments that can be applied to shields. Dude you just need to also use these strategies. Produce Flame H: Kindle small flames to attack close or at range. You can also perform athletic maneuvers with your free hand (aside from grapple) and. 1 Stride, 2 Raise Shield, 3 Take Cover (if tower shield). "Fire Shield: The Psychic should never be in melee enough to need this. The rules about strapping vs holding shields are a bit. If the creature is smaller than the maximum, the monster can usually swallow more creatures;. These shields have unique abilities that differentiate them from their typical counterparts. Both have a variety of uses, from curing the sick to Lighting foes on fire. Chapter 9: Playing the Game / General Rules / Specific Checks Attack Rolls Source Core Rulebook pg. . Duration 1 minute. As far as shield block, it seems to me that fighters and champions have better things to use their reactions on but druids and. But it has twice as much HP and the same amount of hardness, and you find it 6 levels sooner. say your shield has 10 Hardness. A number of examples are also provided to help users get started. If the hit equals the hardness + BT of the shield it’s broken until repaired. You splash a glob of acid that splatters your target and nearby creatures. Stephens was hospitalized for nearly a week with a pulmonary embolism in February 2023. Stone is a catchall for any hard stone, such as. Fine. Five jagged spines project from the surface of this steel shield (Hardness 6, HP 24, BT 12). A shield can increase your character’s defense beyond the protection their armor provides. Fortress Shield Item 1. Since the rule reads "After you use Shield Block,. Replace the associated text with the following. You can also buy and attach a shield boss or shield spikes to a shield to make it a more practical weapon. Action(s): reaction]. "To be fair, the real value of a shield in PF2E is the AC bonus. Warden Creature 6. Wall of Force: Wall is immune to damage. Use a non lethal attack! Persistent damage is awful if you go down. Thus, sheathing a weapon requires one Interact action. The crafter chooses the damage type when creating the rune. It's not top tier, there are usually better options. Basic Actions. Any creature in contact with the lava takes 20d6 points of fire damage on the first round, 10d6 on the second, and none thereafter as the lava hardens and cools. Choose acid, cold, electricity, fire, or Sonic damage. There are others you get from character development. Get Connected. Most shields must be held in one hand, so you can’t hold anything with that hand and Raise a Shield. $egingroup$ it seems to me that the main benefit of shields is that you can trade 1 action for -10% chance to be hit (which also reduces the chance to be crit as well if the attacker can crit on something other than a 20). 0. So you can stride 60', make your strike, stride 60' back. While raised, this steel shield (Hardness 8, HP 32, BT 16) grants its circumstance bonus to Reflex saves against area effects (as well as to AC, as normal). Ray of Frost H: Damage a creature with cold. It also enables them to use the Shield Block reaction, during that same time frame. You just benefit from either cover or lesser cover, depending on how exposed the attack made you, until you use the "Take Cover" action. If a creature is entirely behind a wall or the like, you don't have line of effect and typically can't target it at all. Phase Bolt H: Fire a spike of magic that can pass through shields and cover Prestidigitation: Perform a minor magical trick. Fundamental runes offer the most basic. You push back as you block the attack, knocking your foe away or off balance. The Indestructible shield has only 13 hardness and is a level 18 item (the high-grade is level 16 as well). Introduction. This means the shield can take 32 points of damage before it is broken. Page 21: The Tangible Dream conscious mind gains figment instead of dancing lights as one of its standard psi cantrips. Healing Plaster H: Transform mud into a healing plaster to treat wounds without healer's tools. Close. A floating shield is usually carved with wing motifs. Distance Rating. Take Cover lasts until you move or attack. As such, every creature can use basic actions except in some extreme circumstances, and many of those actions are used very frequently. However AoN says this Shield does not exist. Tower Shield. When I used CONDITION in the examples I meant triggering conditions, aka what needs to happen. Guess less so if your fighter decides to forgo crafting skills and repairing their shield during the 10 minute breaks. It negates magic missile attacks directed at you. For damage, Horrid Wilting seems to be a good area spell, but I'm guessing that heightened spells from lower levels are probably the way to go. Read the Air: Pick up societal cues. Range 500 feet; Area 20-foot burst. alficles. When a character has that effect on them you can toggle the shield button on the damage card and then click apply damage and it will work it all out for you. ago. Cover is relative, so you might simultaneously have cover against one creature and not another. Shields are cumbersome and if they aren't strapped to your arm you're barely going to be able to carry the thing upright let alone fight with it. Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 2d6. The damage die for your fist increases to 1d6 instead of 1d4. When you have a tower shield raised, you can use the Take Cover action (page 471) to increase the circumstance bonus to AC to +4. A roaring blast of fire appears at a spot you designate, dealing 6d6 fire damage. Effects with the fire trait deal fire damage or either conjure or manipulate fire. This steel shield (Hardness 6, HP 36, BT 18) is forged into the shape of a roaring lion’s head. Esoterica. Fireball: [Reaction] (arcane, evocation, fire); Trigger A living creature enters the sensor. So even if you expend nothing, the staff will generate charges you can spend to cast spells from your spell list without expending any of your spells per day. The party as a whole will get 2 level 4, 2 level 3, and 2 level 2 consumables as well. Archetype Kineticist. How proficiency works is this: If one is proficient in something the example of Monk being Expert in Unarmored. The cleric has health (2 per level) and possibly AC (war cleric shield and armor) over the witch and sorcerer, along with having every spell ready to be prepped. The Gentleman’s Guide to Faith: The Pathfinder Second Edition Cleric (Aug 2020) Support Guide Cleric (Jul 2021) RPGBOT's Cleric Handbook (June 2021) Druid. You can Interact to lock a weapon with the jousting trait in place in the shield, enabling you to use two hands to wield the shield and weapon simultaneously. Gorilla Stance - d8 bludgeoning plus backswing, forceful, grapple. While the spell is in effect, you can use the Shield Block reaction with your magic shield (see the sidebar). I've been recently checking different ways to build a monk. Combat Tracker. A shield grants a circumstance bonus to AC, but only when the shield is raised. In. In PF2, the Shield spell has been changed to be a cantrip (+1 AC, "hardness"/damage absorb-able based on upcasting to a leveled spell). Your character must be wielding a shield in one hand to make use of it, and it grants its bonus to AC only if they use an action to Raise a Shield. If the hit equals the hardness + BT of the shield it’s broken until repaired. ". alficles. Use a Lion's Shield to get two attacks! Generally, stances aren't a good fit for magus due to Arcane Cascade. How proficiency works is this: If one is proficient in something the example of Monk being Expert in Unarmored. Gale Blast H: Damage and push adjacent creatures with air. The target and its gear gain resistance 5 against the damage type you chose. Quick Shield Block at 10, Quick Block at 12 with Reflexive Shield at 8. This cantrip functions as the shield spell, except it has Hardness 2 and 4 Hit Points. right now just use wovenwood and sturdy as upgrade basis for that. A strike against you deals 5 Slashing, 5 Fire, and 5 Negative damage. Best solution for me is to just have the module called “PF2e Target Damage”. This is part of the base PF2e module, no other modules are needed. If an attack with a splash weapon fails, succeeds, or critically succeeds, all creatures within 5 feet of the target (including the target) take the listed splash damage. Allowing finesse bash does literally nothing from a game balance perspective but let you use shield bash feats with DEX. Elemental and Aberration Summoners, and Synthesis Summoners, and a dual-wield Magus, or a Harrow-Themed thrown weapon (cards) Magus. Siege Weapons. A shield can increase your character’s defense beyond the protection their armor provides. General Feat - Shield Block We get master proficiency in medicine allowing us to stride and heal twice per encounter, making it very hard to die. Damage rules Damage dealt by weapons, many physical hazards, and a handful of spells is collectively called physical damage. This requires using the Raise a Shield action, found on page 472. As long as you stain it, you get the +1 to AC, and can Shield Block as long as the shield has layers (you can break 2 or 3 layers in a single reaction, stretch them out shield blocking once per round etc etc). Elemental Counter U: Use a countering element to protect against a spell. Myriade91. Still haven't convinced the group I DM for to switch from 5e to PF2e but I'm glad that Paizo has decided against infinite stacking AC. So 5 slashing and 5 fire damage against a 6 hardness shield would block 6 total damage and 4 remaining fire damage would go through. • 6 mo. Relevant text from the Carrying and Using Items section, with emphasis by me: A character carries items in three ways: held, worn, and stowed. Potion of Resistance (Lesser) Item 6 Source Core Rulebook pg. [Archives of Nethys - PF2e] Firebrands, Pathfinder #189, new favorites feature, theme adjustment, spell tables, and more! r. ) The same principle works with skills, Class DCs, etc. Source Core Rulebook pg. While the hefty tome you carry reflects hours conducting arcane research, your enemies need no reminder of your training. This vivid red cloak of sturdy fabric is favored by aggressive battle alchemists and mages, as well as those cautious warriors who need to advance into the fray ahead of the blast-happy back line. 0 Price 440 gp Bulk 1 The shield has Hardness. You’ll go most of the level range with 2 Implements, but will eventually get 3 if you’re lucky enough to reach such high level. The Shield Block reaction allows the player to mitigate damage taken - this has. Amp Shield, cast to Rise, Rise gives +1 AC, use Shield Block: spell doesn't end, you lose AC bonus, but you can sustain it next turn, which counts as Rise Shield and Rise gives +1 AC. Rousing Splash H: Splash a creature to invigorate it and wash away acid and fire. Spoilers. Looks for ways to pad your durability while still allowing yourself to be hit (Shield Block, temporary. Each time an item takes damage, reduce any damage the item takes by its Hardness. Player's Handbook page 201. The rules for Hardness appear in Item Damage. Source Treasure Vault pg. Protect Companion H: Shield your eidolon or minion from harm. The either or option just gives the item a bit of additional flexibility. A level 4 sturdy shield (which is the avenue you want to look into) costs 100gp but requires a 40 damage hit to break. Tiger Stance - d8 slashing plus agile, finesse, d4 persistent bleed on crit and the ability to step 10 ft instead of 5. The other specialty shields have cool effects, but if you are using them for shield block, then it is probably best to think of them as on par with consumable items like talismans. Source Core Rulebook pg. Anyone with a shield can use a raise shield action to gain the bonus, this is +1 for buckler, +2 for steel shield, and +2 for towershield with the ability to spend an. ”. The shield is Dented (5 < 7 < 10) and my HP drops by 7. They get a +4 for that. But if AC is your priority, a regular heavy shield is best before level 5. 0. Source Core Rulebook pg. While wooden shields are less expensive than steel shields, they break more easily. Runes must be physically engraved on items through a special process to convey their effects. Thrown (20 ft) This spear hasn't quite made the transition away from Javelins. Some classes (not all) start with the Shield Block feat, which you have there. It acts as a normal spiked shield. This is the only restriction regarding having a shield strapped. Base Shield Buckler, Tower Shield. A few of the new shields have magic versions at different levels that scale somewhat, but most of them don't, including the Fortress Shield. A shield can increase your character’s defense beyond the protection their armor provides. These symbols convey protective forces from the Elemental Planes. Having a shield you can pull out and go on the defensive is a great play that can keep you alive all for a measly 1 gp. Eat Fire H: React to eat flame then belch the smoke out. Fire Shield: A good defense against multiple foes who can reliably overcome your AC. Version 2. An Orichalcum weapon etched with a rune with the Energy trait will. But for soaking, Sturdy Shield + Divine Ally is the best. tl:dr Shield Block reduces damage, stacks with resistance, and is calculated AFTER the resistance even if that seems a little weird thinking about it realistically. Musketeer as a ranged Swashbuckler. Magic. It keeps track of damage type, too, so if you apply fire damage to something with fire resistance it will reduce the damage received automatically. A shield can increase your character’s defense beyond the protection their armor provides. Clerics of Irori should expect to be warpriests and they should expect to multiclass. SuperBidi : Nov 4, 2021, 01:21 am. It doesn't mean the tower shield isn't bad, but if you don't like spending the extra action for take cover, you could just start with +3 ac. Skill Increase: Stealth General Feat: Incredible Initiative Level 12. Produce Flame H: Kindle small flames to attack close or at range. PZO1110: Wall of Stone: Creates a stone wall that. 277 4. This cantrip functions as the shield spell, except it has Hardness 2 and 4 Hit Points. Longspear. It keeps track of damage type, too, so if you apply fire damage to something with fire resistance it will reduce the damage received automatically. Including a main-gauche, which is a parry weapon that's a fourth the price of an augmented shield, has more traits, and is agile. So in your example, a lvl 1 Monk would have AC 18 (10 +3 dex, +1 for level, and +4 for Expert Prof. Tower shields just have the added option of being used to take cover at the cost of having much higher bulk. PZO1129: Vermin Shape II: As vermin shape I, but Tiny or Large. These massive shields can be used to provide cover to nearly the entire body. Bulk 5; Hardness 6; HP (BT) 24 (12) Also known as portable walls, these thick and heavy shields are slightly larger than tower shields. Start the crafting process. If it receives enough damage, in one hit, to exceed its hardness and hp the shield is broken. The costs for formulas are on page 293 of the CRB. Puff of Poison H: Exhale toxins to poison a foe. Infused. Unfortunately it's not clear how implement's empowerment works with these cases. It is very rarely worth to go 18 dex/16 str for these weapons as switching is rarely beneficial due to the damage loss from inaccuracy so these are primarily for 18 str/16. Shield creates an invisible shield of force that hovers in front of you. In the playtest magic shields still exist but there are no +X shields and they cannot have enhancement runes. This takes one action from the player, on their turn, and grants them a valuable +1-2 AC until the start of their next turn. Versatile human for shield block. So while the 2-single action blasts do happen, the 2-action version comes up more than you might think initially, and it's very handy to have both as. SHIELD BLOCK Trigger While you have your shield raised, you take damage from a physical attack. Even higher dpr is penetrating shot. Source Core Rulebook pg. There's no real reason not to, tower shields and steel shields have the exact same statistics for hardness and HP. Gortle's Guide to the Druid [ Discussion] (Sep 2022) Steel's Guide to the Wild Shape Druid (Jul 2021) RPGBOT's Druid Handbook (June 2021) Fighter. "Base Material Dragonhide Dragonhide Buckler (Standard-Grade) Item 8 Source Core Rulebook pg. You can't accidentally break your shield, so I usually see people use Shield Block on smaller amounts of damage or in case of an emergency. Pathfinder 2e is better than 5e in almost every way, and shields are a great example of that. Bulk 1; Hardness 3; HP (BT) 12 (6) This wooden shield features a spring-loaded device on its surface that can fire darts with powerful force. DESCRIPTION. Source Core Rulebook pg. Rage of Elements. Material Statistics. The area becomes lava to a depth of 1 foot. And so on. Based on a report by the National Fire Protection Association, there were 493,797 fires during the period of 2014-2018 resulting in $10,458,511,401 worth of property loss. The wearer of this shield gains a +2 bonus on Reflex saves against effects that originate or burst from a point outside his own square, as though he had cover. Produce Flame H: Kindle small flames to attack close or at range. Justifying a no shield monk. Except you know Sturdy shields are better than adamantine shields. +4 to AC, Reflex, Stealth. You’ll go most of the level range with 2 Implements, but will eventually get 3 if you’re lucky enough to reach such high level. Key Ability: CHARISMA. If you deal 15 fire damage, the creature takes 10 damage. Tower Shield related feats. Its honestly not worth it past the first few levels. Material Statistics. Unless the shield is a buckler it occupies the hand, not giving a free hand to reload the weapon. However, ask your GM if you can combine Agile Shield Grip with the adjustments that give Thrown ( Shield Augmentation or Throwing Shield ). Still haven't convinced the group I DM for to switch from 5e to PF2e but I'm glad that Paizo has decided against infinite stacking AC. What damage can Shield Block reduce? The reaction says you can use it when you're hit by a physical attack.